Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Avocado of Benefits

Numerous studies have shown that it has an effective effect on our physical health. Here are seven benefits of avocado, which is supported by scientific research.

1. Avocado helps to treat Alzheimer's disease and stimulates the brain's health because it contains many nutrients and vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin K, and has magnesium oxide, iron and magnesium. Potassium, phosphorus, etc. Nutritional and vitamins are important for maintaining everyone's health. 

Helps to improve brain health, as avocado contains high Omega 3 Fatty Acids, which helps through increased blood supply to the brain, which helps to consider what to do. One and the plan you think you want to improve. Vitamin E has a role to play in preventing Alzheimer's disease. It can be treated and reduced by regular avocado intake every day.

2. Fruit gives the heart a healthier state. Beta-sitosterol helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Eating avocado may boost cholesterol's antioxidant properties, which are good for protecting the heart from vascular disease. In potassium, potassium can help prevent hypertension, as potassium is an arterial agent, which relaxes blood pressure and blood vessels, so it can reduce the incidence of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. The head.

3.Fatty acids help moisturize the face and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E to prevent wrinkles and reduce aging. Oleic Acids and Monounsaturated, which are found in beneficial dermatospores, retain moisture in the skin, make skin soft and moist. Omega Omega 9 Oleic causes skin cell damage and reduces redness and irritation on the face.

4. Fiber is another nutrient that is found in large quantities in avocados. Fiber is an indivisible plant that can contribute to weight loss, reduces blood sugar and is strongly associated with a reduced risk of many diseases.

5. High antioxidant fruits, including Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These nutrients are very important for the health of the eyes and reduces the risk of eye disease and cataract.

6. Studies have shown that avocados in the avocado may be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer and reduce the effects of chemotherapy on certain cells.

7.Avocados can help relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

Benefits of Mango

Mango is a delicious fruit of ordinary people. Mango, it has many benefits that everyone does not know.

Mango is an alkaline fruit that has been found by many scientists at the FASEB Research Center. Although sugar syrup contains sugar, it can be used to control your sugar.

Study have shown that overweight animals give 10 grams of vodka daily for 3 months. The scientists, who tested the animals, found that the animals did not have their blood sugar in their blood. Dr. Edralin Lucas, lead author of the study, explained, "Although it is still necessary to find out more about the effect of mango, we know that the mango contains polyphenolic."

Another study from Oklahoma State University confirmed the discovery that the purine intake could reduce insulin resistance and promote glucose resistance effectively.

Benefits of Apple Skin

Apple has many health benefits, especially its shell. If you have stress or drowsiness, you can take it as a mask to stretch the skin naturally, the face will brighten, especially antioxidants and vitamins A, B, C help get rid of dead cells and dirt from your skin Too.

Let's try it with the mass of apple skin by the following way:
Must have apples and tomatoes, combined with raw milk
How to make a red apple shell and grated tomatoes, then put the milk in a spoon mixed together to stir.

Then apply on face and neck for 20 minutes, then wash your face with facial foam, then you will get a smooth and smooth skin.

Do not remove Apple Skin!

This Super Simple Morning Habit "Accidentally" Melted 84 LBS Of Fat

The near-miraculous health and weight loss trick that stumbled on that literally saved life and gave back with lean, sexy and pain-free body is something too important to hide…
This simple morning ritual has been sitting there right under our noses and has been kept from us by the folks with big budgets who sell the weight loss drugs and engineered diet foods…

However, before we discovered the powerful system I’m sharing with you in this story. Here’s what happened…